Fly like Wonder Woman: travel tips

Cliffs of Moher, County Claire, Ireland

Whether by plane, train or automobile, when we travel we are working with wind and ether. It’s change. It’s flighty. It’s a tricky energy that leaves us feeling overwhelmed, tired, and craving sugar.

With a little extra preparation, you can carry a few tricks up your sleeve that root you into balance and allow your vacation to truly lift your spirits!

What to pack:

  • eye mask

  • spiced teas (like ginger or cinnamon)

  • body oil

  • something comforting (like a stone or a stuffed animal)

  • grounding snacks (bonus for homemade!)

  • Triphala & psyllium husk

  • sea salt or electrolytes

  • lemons

On the airplane, car, train:

  • drink warm water (bubbles are trouble in the air)

    • bonus: add salt or electrolytes for boosted absorption

  • eat warm & grounding foods

    • bonus: increase in nutritional uptake when it’s homemade

  • spray your face, lotion your hands

    • just feeling cared for makes a difference—we are working with the mind here… and the body

  • stay in your zone

    • many people do not have the tools to balance travel, so it’s a good idea to be mindful about staying in your energetic field, and not letting them into your bliss bubble. Do this by taking 1-3 deep breaths, close your eyes if you can and feel your feet connected to the ground. Gently stretch your body, say hello to it and let it know you haven’t mentally bailed on it.

When you arrive:

  • Sit on the earth — talk them into a picnic or drink outside (bonus points for laying on the earth)

    • science is real: you are not only calmed by the frequency of the earth, but you align your circadian rhythm to your new location

  • have a warm tea — sure, have it quickly before or ALONGSIDE your margarita

Before bed:

  • Take triphala

  • self massage with oil

  • touch or spend a moment with your soothing item from home

    • This is huge! We’re all just big babies that want to feel safe. No one is looking!

In the morning:

  • Drink warm lemon water

  • Drink psyllium husk in warm water

  • Stretch and spend a minute welcoming your body and soul to the new adventure you’re on!

Why? We are counterbalancing a lot of cold, dry, rough energy with warm, wet, and gentle energy. This may seem subtle, but it works! We are soothing our body so that it doesn't have to have micro-battles all day with the huge change. Without the micro-body battles we are completely free and clear to have the vacation we truly desire.


  • feeling safe, grounded, held

  • clear mind

  • energized body

  • greater physical, mental, and emotional capacity

  • feeling juicy and pretty!

  • balanced digestion

  • balanced bowel movements

  • deeper sleep

  • sharper mind

  • dewy skin and voluptuous locks

  • little to no fighting, less confusion

  • more fun!

Questions about some of these techniques or products? Contact me to learn more and get travel routines specific to your body type, travel plans, and geographic wonderings!


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